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BAFADOR® zaprezentowany na międzynarodowej konferencji bakteriofagów w Tbilisi

Proteon Pharmaceuticals presents its unique product BAFADOR® at the international bacteriophage conference in Tbilisi Proteon Pharmaceuticals participated in the international conference “Centennial Celebration of Bacteriophage Research”, held in Tbilisi, Georgia on June 26-29, 2017. Proteon Pharmaceuticals’ R&D Director, Dr Ewelina Wójcik, presented the results of Company’s research, which has led to development of a phage-based

Proteon Pharmaceuticals participated in the international conference “Centennial Celebration of Bacteriophage Research”, held in Tbilisi, Georgia on June 26-29, 2017.

Proteon Pharmaceuticals’ R&D Director, Dr Ewelina Wójcik, presented the results of Company’s research, which has led to development of a phage-based solution for commercial aquaculture – BAFADOR®. The presentation was entitled “BAFADOR® – New Antibacterial Agent Against Fish Pathogens.”

BAFADOR® is a bacteriophage preparation eliminating Pseudomonas Aeromonas infections in fin fish in aquaculture. BAFADOR® is patent protected currently being prepared for market launch.

The conference “Centennial Celebration of Bacteriophage Research” was organized to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the initiation of bacteriophage research. The conference was organized by the Eliava Insitute, famous for its pioneering approach in the early days of bacteriophage therapy. The event provided an overview of milestones in bacteriophage research as well as therapeutic, biotechnological and industrial applications of bacteriophages.

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Opatentowana przez Proteon Pharmaceuticals platforma rozwoju fagów zawiera światowej klasy narzędzia i procesy.