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Założyciel Proteonu, profesor Jarosław Dastych, prezentuje "Aquaculture: Challenges and Lessons of Product Development" podczas Bacteriophage Therapy Summit, Boston, USA.

Proteon Founder and Board Member, Professor Jarosław Dastych, made a major presentation at the Bacteriophage Therapy Summit in Boston, USA. He spoke on the topic of ” Aquaculture: Challenges and Lessons of Product Development” The Bacteriophage Therapy Summit is the only meeting uniting large pharma, biotech companies, research institutions and technology experts to harness bacteriophage science and accelerate the clinical

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Proteon otrzymuje nagrodę "2019 Animal Health Innovation Award" na konferencji Animal Health Investment Europe Conference

Proteon Receives “2019 Animal Health Innovation Award” at the Animal Health Investment Europe Conference in London, UK.. COO and Board Member Matthew Tebeau accepted the award on Proteon’s behalf. Animal Health Investment Europe is dedicated to showcasing to investors the most innovative emerging animal health companies covering the companion, aquaculture and production animal space.

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Proteon Pharmaceuticals udziela obszernego komentarza na temat salmonelli w Polsce w wywiadzie wideo dla polskiej agencji Business Wire.

Proteon Pharmaceuticals today announced an investment of 21 million Euro to accelerate commercialization of its products, which aim to reduce the reliance on antibiotics within aquaculture and livestock farming. Proteon Pharmaceuticals uses bacteriophages to reduce the need for antibiotics, improve on-farm performance and increase the sustainability of protein production.

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Firma Proteon Pharmaceuticals została zaproszona do zaprezentowania swojej technologii bakteriofagowej na prestiżowej konferencji FIAAP poświęconej żywieniu zwierząt w Bangkoku.

Proteon Pharmaceuticals was an invited speaker at the 9th edition of the FIAAP Animal Nutrition conference held on March 27, 2018 in Bangkok, Thailand. This one-day international conference highlighted the latest innovations and research in animal feed ingredients and additives. The event was co-located with five additional conferences as part of VICTAM Asia 2018.

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BAFADOR® zaprezentowany na międzynarodowej konferencji bakteriofagów w Tbilisi

Proteon Pharmaceuticals presents its unique product BAFADOR® at the international bacteriophage conference in Tbilisi Proteon Pharmaceuticals participated in the international conference “Centennial Celebration of Bacteriophage Research”, held in Tbilisi, Georgia on June 26-29, 2017. Proteon Pharmaceuticals’ R&D Director, Dr Ewelina Wójcik, presented the results of Company’s research, which has led to development of a phage-based

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Proteon Pharmaceuticals otrzymał dotacje w wysokości 3,2 mln euro

In 2016 Proteon Pharmaceuticals awarded grants from Polish Center for Research & Development for Euro 3.2 m In 2016, Proteon Pharmaceuticals signed the agreements for the co-financing five research projects from the European Union for Euro 3.2 million. The projects are for research and development of new generation, innovative products, based on our unique phage-platform

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