Our Products Improve Livestock Farming and Aquaculture
Food Safety

Food Safety
Food Safety hazards
The cost behind contaminated food
According to World Health Organization report on Estimates of the Global Burden of Foodborne Disease from 2015, productivity and medical expenses reach $110 billion lost each year as a result of unsafe food. WHO shows that even 10% of people fall ill after eating contaminated food worldwide. What is more, over 420 000 people die every year due to eating contaminated food globally, of which 125 000 are children under 5 years of age.
Food Safety is closely linked to nutrition and food security. Unsafe food can create a vicious cycle of disease and malnutrition that affects particularly infants, young children, elderly and sick people. There are a lot of factors affecting the safety of food, amongst which globalization of food trade, climate change and growing world population play an important role.
Food Safety measures

How Proteon can help you contribute to solving the challenges
The impact of bacteriophages on Food Safety
Bacteriophages, also commonly known as phages, are viruses that attack and infect bacteria. They occur naturally and are the most populous organisms on the planet. Each bacteriophage is specific to one species of bacterium. For every known bacteria variety, there is at least one bacteriophage.
Bacteriophage-based feed additives are a powerful tool enabling farmers to reduce reliance on antibiotics and chemicals while improving food safety and animal performance.